Co-founder and partner at Beefzavod and Max’s Beef For Money restaurants. Graduate of Universität Hamburg (MiBA).
The immersion in the world of “craft” meat, Maxim began in 2013 almost by accident, but the topic captivated him so much that there was nowhere to retreat. The next two years passed in internships and training with famous masters of butchering preaching Nose-To-Tail philosophy around the world.
He put the acquired knowledge and experience into practice — introducing new principles and methods of working with Aberdeen-Angus cattle at a partner farm in the Leningrad Region.
Together with Artem Tskhakaya and Vladimir Basov, in the spring of 2016 he opened the Max’s restaurant — Beef For Money at Patriarch Ponds in Moscow, and a few months later launched a truly innovative meat project for Russia — a restaurant with an open butcher shop, a dry-aging chamber and a butcher shop Beefzavod in St. Petersburg.